Monday, July 11, 2011

Finally, a few mintues to work on this!

By the time, you my friends, read this, it'll be old news!!! :) I'm trying to gather info and photos before I start asking people to follow me. I haven't even told my closest friends the details of my new adventure, "Nora Jo Designs". Not that Nora Jo Designs is anything new or different from what I've been dabbling in for years, it's just going to be a career rather than a hobby! NO, I'm not giving up real estate right pays the bills, kinda! LOL! I just love design and party planning! I love seeing people happy with the final results! I fill fulfilled when I use my God-given creative talent! 

For those if you who don't know my family, I have absolutely two of the most beautiful children!!! Anna "Caroline" is 4 yrs old and "Harper" Cyle is 17 months old (better know as "brudder")! My children bring so much joy to my life! Some mornings I wake up and just want to play with them all day! That's why I pray I'll never have to have a "real job"! :) We love swimming in the kiddie pool, going to the zoo, visiting Bridge Street and many more outside activities. Inside....well, we all get bored very easily!!! Mark, my husband of almost 8yrs, is a builder/landscaper. He also loves the outdoors, but not so much since he works outside all the time! He is a loving father and a great husband!

Real Estate...currently my real estate career is busy! I love working with people and trying to find them the perfect house for their current needs! I'm honored that friends choose me to assist them with such a big decision! I work at MarMac Real Estate with a huge family of REALTORS. I can't imagine working at any other office!

Well, I must cook dinner for the family! Hopefully I'll finish loading pics soon so that I can realise Nora Jo Designs!!!

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